June 10, 1997-From Baja
Anchored at Danzante
This is the last stop on this side of the Sea of Cortez that has good drinking water so we will be back into this harbor before we head on up to Conception or Bahia de los Angeles.Watering at Escondito We are liking the area despite the heat -- lately it has been 95 degrees during the day and only down to the 80s at night. To cool off we just jump off the side of the boat (up to four times a day) and at night spray ourselves with a spray bottle and lay under the fan that is directly over our bunk. We have six fans in our boat. Almost anywhere we decide to stand or sit we can direct a fan right on ourselves.
There are a lot of cruising boats out here -- we are rarely the only boat in a harbor -- although we are almost always the only one sailing from one place to another. We spend a lot of time in the water - snorkeling, hunting for clams, scallops & fish. We haven't had much luck with the fishing but have seen some beautiful Dorado’s jumping across the water chasing smaller fish. Fred has a spear gun he has been practicing with but so far hasn't come up with any dinner. He has hit some fish but they took his spear, dove down and hid under a rock - then he had fun trying to retrieve his spear without drowning.
Cactus Forest
Waiting for a bus
Tecate Girls
Fred & Judy, SV WINGS, Sea of Cortez
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