20231122-Blissfull Sailing with Heiko and Martina
For four months Heiko and Martina were my neighbors and I watched them work and work and work on their Bliss, their Columbia 45 sailboat.
That boat needed a lot of attention and refurbishment before they could go sailing and frankly they were getting rather tired of the drudgery tied up to the dock. Bliss needed everything and Heiko and Martina were new to the whole sailing thing. I helped them where I could with electrical, electronincs, rigging and general boat stuff. We became friends.
wingssail images-fredrick roswoldGoing Sailing
Finally Heiko and Martina got Bliss in good enough shape to get off the dock and they moved to the anchorage when the rates at the marina went up.
Today I joined them for a sail. The stated purpose was to tune the rig but they really just wanted me for some confidence building. They don't need that. They are sailors. New sailors without a doubt, but sailors.
We had a great time and their rig which they totally re-did by themselves (wow!) was pretty good, we hardly had to do any tuning.
I know that pretty soon they will be heading out in Bliss for more sailing adventures.
wingssail images-fredrick roswold
Heiko and Martina
I will miss them.
Three Sailors
Click here for more photos
Fredrick Roswold, SV Wings, Mexico